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Bloom Fest

Creative Industry Events: February 2024

Below are a list of industry wide events, perfect for those working in, or looking to get into the digital, marketing, creative, product and tech industries. These events provide the perfect opport...

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Future of Work 2024

​We find ourselves in the midst of an unparalleled transformation in our work culture and environment. The past few years have been marked by tectonic shifts in the world of work, fuelled by persi...

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Why Soft Skills Matter In The Creative Industries

​In an era of unprecedented change and innovation, businesses are recognising the undeniable value of soft skills. These interpersonal and social abilities, while often intangible, prove to be imme...

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5 Minutes With... David Berlin, VP of Product, UNiDAYS

​As part of our ‘5 Minutes With…’ series, we caught up with David Berlin, who launched DAZN across all platforms and the BBC iPlayer iPhone app, amongst others, during a career in product spanning ...

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Creative Comeback UK 2022

We are delighted to be working with Creative Equals once again for this year’s Creative Comeback 2022, in partnership with D&AD and Diageo.In it's fourth year now, the Creative Comeback programme ...

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Jobseeker Toolkit

Making sure you feel comfortable and prepared for the job market can be difficult at any stage of your career, particularly as the industry evolves. You might find that there is a lot of conflictin...

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Breaking Into The Creative Industries

The UK’s creative industry alone, is worth £111.7 billion and its’ growth surge currently leads the UK workforce according to a study conducted last year. Despite this, breaking into the one of the...

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Tackling Your Lost Mindset

Are you feeling at a crossroads not knowing what direction to go in? Do you want to try something completely new but worry about wasting your time? Do you get overwhelmed by choice or the thought o...

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The Great Return: Maternity Leave Playbook

​The Great Return in partnership with Bloom UK.​​Born out of a simple conversation between a group of Bloom parents, whom work in different parts of the communications industry, this Maternity Leav...

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Thinking About Going Freelance?

Most creative professionals, have at some point in their careers, considered the option of becoming a freelancer. Lured by the prospect of greater flexibility, being your own boss and dictating whi...

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Major Players Freelancer Information 2021

​Thanks for choosing Major Players as your recruitment partner – we know that there’s a lot of information you need from us and vice versa so we’ve put together the below FAQs that should answer so...

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Right To Work In The UK

​​All UK employers are required by law to carry out initial right to work checks on each individual worker they intend to hire, in order to prevent illegal working.With recent changes in the UK's E...

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Thin Creative

How to Negotiate a Pay Rise

​One of the first things cut from businesses budgets when the Covid-19 pandemic struck was annual pay rises and bonuses. Our recent Salary Survey (which you can download here) highlighted that 4 in...

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Back To Work Toolkit - Returning Parents

​For any parent, the prospect of going back to work after a period of “time-out” is daunting. Whether it’s been weeks or years, it can be both emotionally and logistically challenging, and there ar...

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Mental Health Page Banner

Managing Mental Health In A Pandemic

So we are back here again... but this time we’re a little more prepared. In lockdown, our normal coping strategies might not be available to us, so this is the time to draw on our inner resources t...

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Employment Tips: How to Present Yourself on Social Media

With many recruiters screening social media to find the right employees, it’s now more important than ever to know how to present yourself on social media.​Here’s a look at how social media plays i...

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Your Guide To The Perfect CV

The Covid-19 pandemic has had a detrimental effect on the UK job market with over 498,000 redundancies within the first five months of the crisis. As a result, HR News have reported that marketing ...

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Interview Tips Thin

Interview Tips And Techniques

Preparing for, and undertaking, interviews can be a nerve racking experience for even the most hardened professionals. We have put together some techniques and tips to help you through the process ...

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What Makes A Standout Portfolio

When it comes to proving yourself professionally, it’s important to show and tell – after all, people retain visual information 6x more vs information they’ve heard or read. Whether you’re trying t...

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