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In The Spotlight: UX, UI & Front-End

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As part of our ‘In the Spotlight’ series, we are shining a light on our teams at Major Players, finding out more about them and the sectors in which they serve. For our next instalment in the series, we caught up with Oliver Rogers, who manages our UX, UI & Front-End team, to find out a more about the industry and what we are doing here at Major Players!

Tell us a bit about UX, UI & Front End, and what your team covers?

The Digital Freelance team covers UX/UI, Product and Digital Design. We also cover Front End Development. UX is how a user “experiences” a digital product, be that a website, app etc. User Interface is the visual elements of a product like buttons, typography and icons. Product Design mixes both UX & UI together to create and attractive, efficient, enjoyable product or service. Front End Development uses various languages such as HTML, CSS and JavaScript to make these designs fully functional.

What attributes make someone suitable to work in UX, UI & Front End?

Here are a few key attributes that I would think suitable for a career in UX, UI & Front End Development.

And in no particular order…

Empathic - A bit of a buzz word, but it really is important for understanding user needs.

Curious - It may have killed the cat, but in this business it can help identify pain points that you didn’t even know exist. Curiosity is key.

Attention to detail – Or should I say ‘Attention’, just checking you’re still with me. It is what is says on the tin.

Being a good problem solver- Solving complex problems through design to develop clean and elegant solutions is what most clients ask for.

What are the biggest trends you’re seeing currently?

We are super busy across all roles and levels at the moment. As most business’ are going through a digital transformation / gaining a digital presence, there is a higher demand for UX/UI roles for websites and apps. It is a super lucrative market and plenty of job opportunities across all roles.

What advice would you give someone thinking of moving into UX, UI & Front End?

I would say that it’s something you need to have a genuine interested in. If you’re fascinated in the digital and online space and what products could offer then it’s definitely a career where you can go to work without feeling like you’re working. Take a look at YouTube videos and online courses as there’s a lot of free materials out there. Once you’ve done a lot exploring down different paths or even languages then you’ll know which of these career choices is most suited to you

What do you predict for the industry in 2021?

I think it’s fair to say we’ve already seen a boom in the market this year and I don’t expect this to slow down. One thing we learned from the pandemic and everyone staying at home is that we all have access to each other and the products or things we love through digital and online access. A lot of companies and individuals have recognised this too and so have changed the way they work and how they reach the customer or client. I think it’s a great time to be in the Digital world

Which roles are you recruiting for at the moment?

We have several Product Designer roles with great well-known brands. We also have lots of UX roles popping up as of late whereas at the beginning of the year. We have had the odd Front End role in but it’s definitely been quitter on that front as the focus has been UX/UI for sure

If you'd like to learn more about our UX, UI & Front-end division or how we can help you further, then get in touch with us today.

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